Pole Barns & Garages

Pole barns and garages seem to be the shed of choice this February. We have two larger Outbuildings now in the permit process. Both of these larger garage / pole barn structures are incorporating concrete floors with expansion joints to help control cracking. Although the majority of our Outbuildings are 200 sq. ft. or less in size, the new buildings we have scheduled are over 1500 sq. ft. for one and the other is 1080 sq. ft. Our pole barns come in 10’, 12’ and 14’ interior wall heights. The two buildings ordered this week will also feature 10’ x 12’ and 10’ x 10’ overhead garage door and half lite man doors. The detached garage or pole barn concept is very popular in Central Oregon. Another popular trend is in the animal world, our sheds work great of alpacas, llamas, goats, horses and cattle. We have customized our classic gable sheds, economy sheds, tall and economy barns as well as the standard loafing sheds, now in the basic lean to design as well as the full front trim package to handle the needs for covered feeding areas. We still have a great selection of pre-built chicken coups in red and white paint for 3 or 4 chickens up to the walk in 6’ x 8’ full size door, 6-8 hen laying compartments. Feel free to come by our construction truss yard conveniently located off Evergreen and Highway 97 just west of the Antiques Mall in Redmond or north of Bend on Highway 97 before Cooley Road on Nels Anderson Rd. and viewing is available any day 24 hours a day!

direct hire overseas/local fdh.