How to Find, Buy or Build an Animal Shelter in Bend OR

I have written two blogs about this topic and I think it’s important to address this topic because our company,, is one of a few companies in Central Oregon that builds animal shelters. My first article here, explains what an animal shelter is and the many different types that we build and my second article here describes how to build one yourself.

An animal shelter, in our mind, is a shelter for animals on private property. It’s not a place to send your animals for care or for abandon. The words “animal shelter” for homeless animals doesn’t really make sense to us. Perhaps it would be better to name them “animal rescue centers” or “animal hospitals”. Regardless, we build animal shelters for horse owners, cattle livestock and the like and we call them “Animal Shelters”.

Since we already wrote an article on how to build one here, this article is more of a guide for whatever your needs are for an Animal Shelter. You can buy an animal shelter for your animals from us or build one yourself or use this as a guide to find an emergency shelter here in Central Oregon for the homeless animals or sick.

An animal shelter or pound is a place where lost/stray, abandoned or surrendered animals, mostly dogs and cats or sometimes sick or wounded wildlife are dropped off. There are several places in Bend, Redmond, Sisters, Madras, Prineville and La Pine. Here is a list according to city:


Humane Society of Central Oregon (541) 382-3537 61170 SE 27th St, Bend, OR 97702


Brightside Animals (541) 923-0882 1355 NE Hemlock Ave., Redmond, OR


Three Rivers Humane Society 541-475-6889 1694 SE McTaggart Rd Madras, Oregon 97741


Humane Society of the Ochocos (541) 447-7178 1280 SW Tom McCall Rd. Prineville, OR 97754

The above animal shelters or pounds are the best place to take any animal for care in Central Oregon. strives to bring the best information for animal safety and our blog is proof of that. Although we build animals shelters here at, we want to encourage many people that we know how to help animals in need.

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