From: “FRANK MARTA IZO Owner” <redacted>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 9:18:24 AM
Subject: new shed

Hello Kirk,  I just wanted to first say that your two fellows who assembled our new shed were great .  They worked their rear ends off from the minute they got here till they were finished and the shed is really nice!  Actually it is too nice.  My wife is giving me a hard time.  She says she does not want to look at a home made ramp made by me messing up the professional look of the shed just to save a few bucks.  Thus I am officially biting the bullet and asking:  The next time your guys are in the neighborhood, could they stop by with a ramp, attach it to the shed and I will write you a check while they are here—– even though I still believe I am a great ramp craftsman!!!    Let me know a time,  Thanks Frank Izo

: the upfront cost of concrete tiles can be higher than other roofing materials like asphalt shingles or metal roofing.